My Ruger LCR Part 2: The Carrying

This post will be fairly quick and photo heavy.
It’s just an update to my previous post where I discussed range-testing my new carry revolver.
My incentive for wanting to try a snub-nose revolver for carry was the neighborhood dogs, which I have discussed in two previous posts. Given the HOA’s pearl-clutching response to my revelation that I have a carry permit, I wanted what I did carry to be as unobtrusive as possible. 
Thus, up until 2 weeks ago, I was carrying my Ruger LCP on my walks – a semi-auto micro pistol which I have had for years but do not like – simply because of it’s small size and unobtrusiveness under yoga tights. I soon discovered another reason to dislike the gun – it gets very slippery with sweat, even in kydex on a bellyband, thus making it tricky to clear safely when I get back home. The slide is small and stiff, and the slide catch is difficult to engage under the best of conditions. These are compounded when the gun is slick with sweat after my walk. I felt like it was a home basement accident waiting to happen.
I thought that a revolver – the LCR – might be a better solution. So far, despite the LCR’s not being a “fun” gun to shoot, it has met that challenge. I jury rigged a Velcro attachment for an IWB holster to use on my old model Crossbreed bellyband. (I haven’t tried it with the new model bellyband yet, nor have I ponied up the cash for an actual purpose-designed Velcro holster for the revolver yet) I have been walking with this revolver rig under my tights for about 2 weeks now.
    My beauty-ous IWB purple holster from GunGoddess 

    Do not try this jury rig at home, kiddies. I am assuming my own risk for experimenting, but I    make no warranties or recommendations.

Though the revolver is slightly bulkier than the single stack micro pistol, it still conceals well under a T-shirt – especially with wearing my phone and pepper spray on the outside opposite, which draws the eye away from any bulges.

The grip of the LCR is rubberized, which helps with hand traction in the sweat department; and clearing the gun after I’m finished has proven to be much less anxiety-provoking. Though it only carries 5 rounds, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for more piece of mind. Especially when you consider that the LCP only holds 6+1, and I had started to carry it without one in the chamber, due to my concerns for clearing the durn thing. I’d rather have 5 rounds confidently ready to go, than 6 or 7 rounds that I’m worried about having to “mess” with. You may argue with me about that, but life is about making individual choices and compromises.
Later on, I may try my G42 with this rig, as that is much easier to rack, but for now, I’m a snubbie revolver gal when I exercise. πŸ™‚
  1. GunDiva

    August 18, 2016 at 2:39 am

    I'm curious – why are you clearing your gun when you get home? I keep my carry gun loaded at all times – even when it's locked up at night, so it's ready to go if I need it. The only time I unload and clear is when I'm required to.

    It seems by clearing your gun when you get home, you were able to identify potential problems (such as slippery with sweat), that I might have overlooked by not clearing mine.

  2. Dr. LateBloomer

    August 18, 2016 at 2:49 am

    To be clear , this is an exercise carry gun. I don't stroll when I walk, It's 16 minute miles uphill and downhill and I sweat like a pig. I HAVE to clear the gun and wipe it down with CLP before putting it away, or it would soon become a corroded mess. The bellyband and holster get draped over a chair to air out and dry, because it's wet with sweat. I've rinsed it out in the sink with baby shampoo a couple times too ( the bellyband, not the gun Ha!). If this were EDC rig I probably wouldn't do that every time.

  3. GunDiva

    August 24, 2016 at 9:05 pm

    That makes perfect sense now! Thanks for the clarification.

  4. Dr. LateBloomer

    August 25, 2016 at 11:46 am

    Thanks for reading and being interested πŸ™‚

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