
“The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them.”

~Eowyn, Shieldmaiden of Rohan
  JRR Tolkien

The concept of women learning the art of weaponry for defense of self, home, and family is not a new one – despite what today’s helpless liberals would have you believe. From the Shieldmaidens of Norse and Germanic Folklore upon whom Tolkien based his character, to the hardy pioneer women of the American West, to today’s “Porcupines”  and “Cornered Cats”  women have ALWAYS had need of a means to defend themselves.

It is only within the relatively recent past that liberalism has poo-pooed the very existence of evil, and the capacity of the human heart to contain it. Criminals and murders are only reacting to their awful social environments, they claim, and if we just love them and rehabilitate them enough, there will be no more crime. Therefore, in the world view of these social elites, defending oneself with deadly force from an attack is nearly a worse crime than the one being perpetrated upon you – because you are daring to act as “judge and jury” upon the poor downtrodden and disenfranchised individual who chose you as victim.

Furthermore, they claim that we women – pitiful, weak wretches that we are – are simply incapable of handling weapons safely and employing them effectively. Thus, they patronizingly pronounce that we shouldn’t be permitted to have them at all. I’m not even going to bother posting links to examples, because we’ve all heard them.

To add insult to injury, many of those voices telling women that they are incapable of self-defense are other women – liberal “feminists” to be exact. Unfortunately, these people also equate teaching self-defense with “victim-blaming”, and they heap derision upon men who try to enlighten us about such skills as “Man-splainers”.

I’m frankly tired of the crap. Allow me state this unequivocally :

Gals, you need to “woman-up”. Learn to be responsible for your own self. The guy who tries to attack you doesn’t care if you are a good person or not. In fact, broadcasting being a “good person” with your body language can make you a target. Your husband/ boyfriend/father, and even the police won’t necessarily be there to help you when you need them. Being a true “feminist” means “owning” your own self and your own safety.

Be aware of your surroundings
Don’t drink yourself into helplessness at bars and frat parties
Take responsibility for the security of your home or apartment
Take a self- defense class or a Refuse To be a Victim class
Consider buying a weapon
But if you do  – GET TRAINING and PRACTICE

Don’t be a Damsel – BE A SHIELDMAIDEN

  1. Debbie

    August 12, 2016 at 5:20 pm

    Thanks for being a Shield Maiden yourself. I came late to the party at age 61. My dad and grandpa taught my brother to hunt and handle firearms but not me or my sister. It never occurred to me to have a gun, not because I was against them but I just hadn't ever had the experience. In 2013 my husband had to go in the hospital for three days and we had just moved into a new house. I wasn't used to the noises in the house and I was scared to death. I told my husband I wanted to get a gun and learn how to protect myself. I now belong to two chapters of the Well Armed Woman and have several guns: )

  2. Dr. LateBloomer

    August 13, 2016 at 2:44 pm

    Good for you, Debbie! And thanks for sharing! Your/our experience is not unique for women of a certain generation, but I'm so glad that so many of us are now shaking that early mis-message off. I'm personally still on the self-defense learning curve, but am trying to share each of my steps along the way. I'm excited to be taking a Cornered Cat class this fall. Congrats on joining TWAW – keep up the good work!

  3. GunDiva

    August 18, 2016 at 2:38 am

    I love this post so much.

    Thank you 🙂

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